Release PV620 SV102
The theme of this release is bug fixes.
NOTE: Only the Release Notes were updated for this release. The Security Audit Reports Guide has not been updated except to change the release number and copyright if needed.
This solution is compatible with OneStream Platform v8.
This release supports an overinstall of release PV500 SV100.
Prior changes and customizations to the standard components of the Security Audit Reports may be overwritten when the new release is installed. Care should always be taken to create unique names for customized versions of standard reports to avoid overwriting application specific versions that have been created.
New Features
Fixed Issues
The current user's culture is used when parsing dates. (MP3-2138)
The User Change Audit report returns only the results for the specified date range. (MP3-2762)
The User Change Audit report displays only the changes made to a user's profile. (MP3-4033)
Known Issues
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Release PV620 SV101
The theme of this release is bug fixes.
This solution is compatible with OneStream Platform v8.
This release supports an overinstall of solution version PV500 SV100.
Prior changes/customizations to the standard components of the Security Audit Reports may be overwritten when the new release is installed. Care should always be taken to create unique names for customized versions of standard reports to avoid potentially overwriting application specific versions that have been created.
New Features
The User's Group Audit report does not display duplicate records after you add or delete a user from a group. (MP3-683)
The Disabled Users report displays the date and time a user was disabled. (MP3-644)
You can run the User List - Grid View report. It will not cause a constraint error. (MP3-2348)
Known Issues
Release PV620 SV100
The theme of this release is a new report.
Release Date
September 15, 2020
This solution is compatible with OneStream Platform v8.
This release supports an overinstall of solution version PV500 SV100.
Prior changes/customizations to the standard components of the Security Audit Reports may be overwritten when the new release is installed. Care should always be taken to create unique names for customized versions of standard reports to avoid potentially overwriting application specific versions that have been created.
New Features and Enhancements
User Deactivation Report (22267):
Shows all active users that have not logged into OneStream and are about to expire based the on current date.
Report color-codes users on the list based on the number of days left before deactivation in the platform user status configuration settings.
Date/time cutoffs reflect UTC time zone reported by the OneStream servers and not the user’s local PC time zone (18494).
The Select Parameters button appears enabled for the User List, User’s Group Membership, and Group List reports but it should not be used to change parameters for these dashboards because it clears the dashboards without allowing you to select new filters. The user should simply click on the button for these dashboards to bring up the parameters screen to enter keywords to run a new report (11906).
Known Issues