Mapping Types

Mapping Types allow the data to be mapped in different ways with the possibility of using conditional rules, wild cards, ranges and others. 


One-to-One mapping allows one Source dimension member to be mapped or transformed to one target dimension member explicitly. No member scripts are used. 

Source Value

This is the value for the related Cube dimension in a defined data field.

Description (Optional)

This is a description of the mapping rule.

Target Value

The Dimension Library member to which the Source Value is being mapped or transformed.

Order (Optional)

The one-to-one mapping rules will be processed in the order of the (defaulted) alpha numerical sort. The Order field allows a value to be assigned to a record which will allow a custom sort order of the mapping table.


Composite mapping is a way to do a map conditionally. Dimensional tags may be used to include another dimension in the evaluation.

The * character is used to represent any number of characters. The ? character acts as a placeholder for a single character. In the following example, any similarly formatted account starting with 199 and an entity of Texas would be mapped to a specific target.

Example: A#[199?-???*]:E#[Texas]

In the following example of an entity composite rule using the ? character, records for all entities with accounts that start with H that have 10 or fewer characters would be captured, for example, accounts named Head, Heads, and Headcount.

Example: E#[*]:A#[H?????????]

Composite rules stop processing when a record meets the criteria. So, if the record meets the criteria for more than one rule, set the order to ensure they are mapped correctly.

For example, using the following records, we can map those with Head to the entity Rhode Island, Heads to the entity Maine, and Headcount to be bypassed by setting the order from the shortest account name (narrowest search) to the longest account name (broadest search).

The records are listed in a table. The table header row has a blue background, and the rest of the cells in the grid have a white background. This example includes three accounts: Head, Headcount, and Heads.

So, we would set the mapping to run in the following order:

  1. E#[*]:A#[H???] to map all accounts that start with H and have 4 or fewer characters

  2. E#[*]:A#[H????] to map all accounts that start with H and have 5 or fewer characters

  3. E#[*]:A#[H?????????] to map all accounts that start with H and have 10 or fewer characters

This example displays the Type of mapping selected in the drop-down menu as Composite with a grid below that includes the rule expressions and their order. E#[*]:A#[H???] has the order set to 10, which means it will be mapped first. E#[*]:A#[H????] has the order set to 20, which means it will be mapped second. E#[*]:A#[H?????????] has the order set to 30, which means it will be mapped third.

So first, the records for the Head account would map to Rhode Island. Then, the records for the Heads account would map to Maine. And last, the records for the Headcount account would be bypassed.

The records are listed in a table. The table header row has a blue background, and the rest of the cells in the grid have a white background. This example includes three accounts: Headcount, Heads, and Head. Headcount is set to (Bypass). Heads is set to Maine. Head is set to RI.


A range mapping gives the upper limit and lower limit of a range. Any member that falls within this range will be mapped to the corresponding target member.

Range rules do not stop processing when a record meets the criteria. If the ranges overlap and a member falls within multiple ranges, that member will be mapped only to the final range that is processed. So, for a member in multiple ranges, set the order so that the last rule run is applied.

If an administrator wants the range of source Accounts from 11202 to 11209 to map to Account 12000, enter 11202~11209 under Rule Expression with ~ as the separator. Range rules use character sets not integers. So, use balanced character sets to ensure the full range is captured. For example, a range of 4 to 3000 must be entered as 0004~3000 under Rule Expression.


List mapping allows the user to create a delimited list of members that all map to the same target.

If an administrator wants the list of Accounts 41137, 41139 and 41145 to map to Account 61000, enter 41137;41139;41145 under Rule Expression with ; as the separator.


Wild cards are used in mask mappings. The wildcard characters for these mappings are * and  ?. The * character is used to represent any number of characters.  27* would capture 270, 2709, or 27XX-009. The ? character acts as a placeholder for a single character. 27?? Would capture 2709, but would not capture 27999 or 2700-101.

Double-sided wild cards can be used as well in Mask transformation rules. For example, *000* would capture any account number with character(s) before and after the 000 sequence.

The following properties are standard for Composite, Range, List and Mask Mapping Types.

Rule Name

This is a unique name assigned to each mapping rule that will also determine the default sort and processing order.

Description (Optional)

The description of the mapping rule.

Rule Expression

This is where the specific source field processing rule is placed.  For example, 27* would capture 270, 2709, or 27XX-009.

Target Value

The Dimension Library member to which the Source Value is being mapped or transformed. The use of wild cards to define Target Values is not recommended. The following exceptions apply to Target Value wild card usage:

  • The ? character is not supported.

  • The * character is not supported when used as a prefix (left side) to a target value.

  • The * character used as a suffix (right side) will yield the Source value.

Logical Operator

This provides the ability to extend a normal mapping rule with VB.NET scripting functionality.

Expression Type:

None (Default)

No script is assigned or employed for this related transformation rule.

Business Rule

This selection is used when .NET scripting is needed for the dimension and the script is available within the Business Rule Library.

Complex Expression

This selection is used when .NET scripting is needed for the dimension but will not need to be used elsewhere.  The script used in the complex expression will only be available within that dimension.

Order (Optional)

The Order field allows a value to be assigned to a record which will allow a custom sort order of the mapping table.