Remove Functions
Remove Functions were introduced in the 5.0 release. They replaced the reasons to use the Eval function. The basic need of the Eval function was to evaluate the individual data cells within a source data buffer to apply logic for processing. In many cases, OneStream did not want to process data cells in source data buffers that had a Cell Status of NODATA or Cell Amount = 0. With the 5.0 release, functions do that without the need for writing additional logic.
The RemoveNoData and RemoveZeros functions provide the ability to not process individual data cells within a source data buffer. They wrap the Remove() around a subset of the formula to prevent processing of individual data cells from within a source data buffer. Remove functions are used in Member Formulas or Business Rules.
Remove functions are used for performance reasons. Data Units may contain a great amount of NODATA data cells or 0 value data cells. These cells could be needlessly processed during calculation execution if these functions are not used in a Api.Data.Calculate formula.