Reconciliation Workspace

When you select a reconciliation from the list, details display below the list.

IMPORTANT: Unless otherwise noted, fields are editable for the current booked period.

Detail Items

This is a grid of explanations of reconciliations.

O (Multi-currency Solutions): Identifies which translated currency levels were overridden for the detail item.

  • A: Individual or group account currency value is overridden.

  • A*: Group and child account currency values are overridden.

  • L: Individual or group local currency value is overridden.

  • L*: Group and child local currency values are overridden.

  • R: Reporting currency value is overridden.

NOTE: You can filter on column “O” to show only detail items with overrides.

R Identifies the type of reconciliation detail item.

  • S: Item imported via a multi-period template as a schedule.

  • I: Individually explained detail item.

  • T: The item was imported via a template.

  • B: The explanation is for a balance check reconciliation. The value is pulled from the related workflow profile that loaded and checked the detail with transformation rules.

  • X: The item was created from Transaction Matching. Used with integrated solutions only.

NOTE: After B-Items and X-Items are created, Item Type, Item Name, Reference 1 and Reference 2 cannot be changed. Only the Item Comment field can be edited. A new detail item must be created if the Preparer wants to modify an imported item.

Amount: The amount explained.

Currency (Multi-currency Solutions): Currency type for the explained amount.

Account (Multi-currency Solutions): Account currency explained amount.

For existing detail items, if you update the Account currency or (for account group reconciliations) Local currency attributes and the associated reconciliation or account group reconciliation already has detail items, the values associated with the Account currency or Local currency attributes do not retranslate based on the change in currency. Therefore, it is recommended to make any changes in currency before adding detail items to the reconciliation. If the currency was changed after detail items were added to the reconciliation:

  • You can change the currency type to another currency type related to the amount for the detail item, which will force the detail item to retranslate the Account, Local, and Reporting values. You can then change the currency type back to the original currency for the detail item, which will force the detail item to recalculate the Account, Local, and Reporting values.

  • You can remove all detail items and then add them back. For example, for pulled forward items, you can delete them and then pull forward again.

Local: Local currency explained amount.

Reporting (Multi-currency Solutions): Reporting currency explained amount.

Reconciliation ID (Account Groups): Drop-down menu of options, including (Group) and the list of child reconciliations associated with the account group. For B-Items and X-Items, this field displays the child reconciliation ID.

IMPORTANT: After you select a reconciliation ID and save the item, it cannot be edited. To update the reconciliation ID, delete the item and then add it with the correct reconciliation ID.

Item Type: Type of reconciliation detail (from Control Lists) that drives later reporting. For example, the status of Correction (BS) because that is a status that may draw a level of review.

Item Name: Description of item. Item Name cannot be blank.

NOTE: For account groups and individual reconciliations with a BalCheck Level set to (Tracking Level), the BalCheck Workflow Profile related to the item will display as the Item Name. For account groups and individual reconciliations with a BalCheck Level set to any value other than (Tracking Level), the BalCheck Level together with the BalCheck Workflow Profile related to the item will display as the Item Name.

Item Comment: Additional comments. The Item Comment field is always editable.

Booked Period: Period related to this explanation based off workflow time and is not editable.

Transaction Date: Date of the transaction. When creating a detail item, the transaction date defaults to the last day of the current workflow period. You can change the date to be any date from the current workflow period or a prior period. After you save the detail item, you cannot change the transaction date.

Aging: Calculated upon Save based on the period end date minus the transaction date. For example, if the transaction date is January 15 and the period end date is January 31, the aging is 16 days.

Reference: Text input fields used for additional references.

User/Time Stamp (UTC): The user who made the explanation and when it happened.

Adding Detail Items

To add detail items, click , enter detail information, and then click .

NOTE: Item Name cannot be blank.

Deleting Detail Items

To delete detail items:

  1. Take an action:

    • To delete specific items, select the check box next to each item.

    • To delete all items, select the check box at the top of the column.

  2. Click .

NOTE: Items and their associated documentation are deleted. If multiple items are selected, R-docs are not deleted.

Standard Explanation Actions

Prior Items: Gives you the option to copy or pull forward detail items or comments from the prior period. For a group reconciliation, I-Items and T-Items related to the group will display. Either option will allow you to save time by not having to re-explain the same reconciliation. Copy is intended to allow detail items or comments from prior periods to be used as a template, where changes can be made, and pull is intended to carry the specific item and documentation or comment into the next period without edits. You can select individual or multiple items or comments to copy or pull forward.

You can copy any comments, but you can only pull forward your own comments. Permission to copy and pull forward comments is based on your role and the step you are completing in the workflow. See Roles.

When you copy a detail item from an account group, you can overwrite the reconciliation ID by selecting an option from the drop-down menu, which includes the related child reconciliations and (Group).

NOTE: The Overwrite Reconciliation ID option is only available when you copy items.

Pull replicates the selected detail items that cannot be edited in the current period. Associated documents are pulled forward. The booked period will always be the period that the item was initially created. When a detail item is pulled forward, the transaction date remains the initial transaction date when the item was created. Aging is recalculated for the current workflow period end date, and changes can be made to the Item Comment field only.

Copy replicates the selected detail items that can be edited in the current period. Associated documents are not copied. When detail items are copied, the booked period for the newly created item becomes the current period and the transaction date defaults to the last day of the current period. You can edit the transaction date so that it properly reflects the actual date the transaction took place.

NOTE: You can pull forward a detail item with a blank Item Name, but if you change any field on the item, you must add an Item Name to be able to save it.

I-Items that have been pulled forward and used to create detail items in subsequent periods cannot be deleted. When a detail item is pulled forward into the current period, the supporting I-Docs cannot be deleted or edited.

If a reconciliation has the Allow Auto Pull Forward option set to Yes, the related I-Items and T-Items in the previous period are pulled forward into the current period with (for I-items) the related I-Docs when the account balance is first created. See Reconciliation Inventory. T-Items are also converted into I-Items.

You cannot pull forward X-Items (used with integrated solutions), B-Items, or S-Items.

Multi-currency Solutions: For items pulled forward, the detail amount and item currency type are pulled forward. All other currency values for the detail item are translated using the current month's FX rates unless a currency level has been overridden.

When you pull forward an item from a previous period that contains an overridden value, the overridden balance remains and is pulled forward period over period, and the transaction date and booked period display the original date and time. Overrides on pulled forward Multi-currency items cannot be edited. When you pull forward an item from a previous period that does not contain an overridden value, the value, transaction date, and booked period display the original value, date, and time.

When you copy an item from a previous period that does or does not contain an overridden value, the value is recalculated using the current period FX rate, and the transaction date (the last day of the period) and booked period (the current period) are updated to the current date and time. If a Multi-currency item is copied into a current period that does not have FX rates, the Local, Account, and Reporting amounts will be translated to zero until FX rates are populated and Process is re-run.

T-Doc: Imports a template document that adds new reconciliation detail items.

NOTE: Detail Item Name cannot be blank.

This document is stored in the system and displayed under Reconciliation Support with a T symbol. Below is an example of the basic template being completed.

NOTE: The Consolidation Account, the GL Account, and the GL balance are brought into the template when launched.

Template: Downloads the template stored with this Reconciliation Definition or Reconciliation Inventory item. You can then fill out the template and import it as a T-Doc or S-Doc.

S-Doc: Imports a template document that adds new reconciliation detail items for multiple periods.

NOTE: Detail Item Name cannot be blank.

This document is stored in the system and displayed under Reconciliation Support with an S symbol. Below is an example of the detail portion of a multi-period template being completed.

This document opens like the T-Doc example above, but there is an additional column in the detail section in which the user can list the period in which this reconciliation detail item should apply. The user should use the syntax of adding an exclamation point (for example, !2023M1) before the OneStream time period as in this example:

S-Items: View all S-Doc items associated with the selected reconciliation, regardless of the time period.

Balance Check Explanation Actions

These actions display only for balance check reconciliations. For reconciliations that have a Bal-Check assigned, if this is also set with the AutoRec rule to Legacy, the AutoRec process automatically pulls the balance from the workflow profile assigned if the status of the related BalCheck WF Profile is Completed.

Detailed balance check of an Account Group:

The Account Reconciliations page has a grid in the top half with the reconciliations. A reconciliation for an account group is selected in the grid. The Detail Items pane is in the bottom half of the screen with the Balance Check item associated with the selected reconciliation. There are Balance Check options displayed below the Detail Items pane used to Pull Balance Check and Go to Balance Check.

Pull B-Chk: This Balance Check Explanation value is pulled from the related Workflow Profile that has been loaded and successfully validated. The detail Item Name is automatically set to the name of the BalCheck Workflow Profile and Balance Check Level associated with the reconciliation.

NOTE: If this workflow profile is not in a prepared state or has failed, this balance will not be pulled and the user is notified.

  • Multi-currency Solutions: When performing balance checks for multi-currency reconciliations, the balance is loaded to the Detail Amount column in the detail items grid. Unless a currency type is identified within the data source, it is assumed that the currency type for the Detail Amount is the same as the account currency for the reconciliation.

    If the transaction currency type is different and is not provided within the data source, it must be manually changed within OneStream after the balance has been pulled into the reconciliation. If multiple currency types exist within the source file, each currency type is aggregated and shown as a summary detail item within the reconciliation. The Detail Amount for each currency type is translated to the three reconciliation currency levels (Account, Local, and Reporting) upon pulling the balance.

    An exception exists when Account, Local, or Reporting balances are provided within the BalCheck source file. If any line within the BalCheck file contains Account, Local, or Reporting balances, or any combination of the three, OneStream assumes an override has occurred and accepts those balances as the amount to be shown on the reconciliation.

    It is recommended that either all or no lines contain the currency level balances, and overrides are performed within the system. Otherwise, balances may appear incorrect. Furthermore, if any level of currency is provided, the reconciliations need be set up to allow overrides within the inventory or the BalCheck pull will fail.

NOTE: To pull forward a statement balance, create an item type for balance that uses the explained item description instead of statement.

The Account Reconciliations page has a grid in the top half with the reconciliations. A reconciliation is selected in the grid. The Detail Items pane is in the bottom half of the screen with the Balance Check items associated with the selected reconciliation. There are Balance Check options displayed below the Detail Items pane used to Pull Balance Check and Go to Balance Check.

Go To B-Chk: When selected the Base Input Child Import Workflow loads in a separate tab.

Reports, Audit Packages, and Reference Documents

NOTE: Reports will automatically change to legal landscape format if needed to fit the columns.

Reports: Runs a standard or translated reconciliation or reconciliation history report. See information on the limitations of translated reports under Global Options.

  • Single Currency Reconciliations: You can run reports for local or translated currency.

    1. From Report Type select Reconciliation or History.

    2. From Currency Level select Local or Translated to Reporting.

  • Multi-currency Reconciliations: You can run reports for any or all currency levels for the reconciliation.

    1. From Report Type select Reconciliation or History.

    2. From Currency Level select All, Account, Local, or Reporting.

Audit: Creates the audit package for one or more selected reconciliations, including a reconciliation report and related file attachments.

The audit package is stored in the OneStream File Share under the current user’s personal folder in a subfolder named Recon Audit Packages:

NOTE: If files with duplicate names exist, a timestamp field is added to supporting doc file names to ensure uniqueness.

Ref Doc: Displays only if the reconciliation has an attached reference document. Opens the reference document related to this reconciliation definition. This document typically contains instructions on how to complete this reconciliation.

Reconciliation Support

In the Reconciliation Support area, you can view or upload related documents for the selected reconciliation or individual reconciliation detail item. If you upload a document with the same name, you have the option to overwrite the existing attached document.

Documents are denoted by:

  • T for T-Doc

  • S for S-Doc

  • R for R-Doc

  • I for I-Doc

Pull R-Docs: Pulls the documents forward from the prior period depending on the frequency of reconciliation.

R-Doc: Upload a document associated with the entire reconciliation, not necessarily one detail line item.

NOTE: R-Docs will automatically carry forward into future periods for reconciliations associated with an AutoRec rule. Do not attach an R-Doc with a balance, because it will automatically carry forward and may not be valid in the next period.

I-Doc: Upload a document associated with the selected detail line item. You can only upload I-Docs to reconciliations that are In Process. Not supported for items imported by a template.

NOTE: To attach an I-Doc, you must select a reconciliation detail item.

View: Opens the selected document.

Delete: Deletes the selected document.

If the Allow Approver Attachments option is selected in the Global Options tab, any user assigned to the Approver role or above can add I-Doc and R-Doc attachments after a reconciliation is prepared. See below for which documents the approver can add or delete depending on the state of the reconciliation.

Action In Process Prepared Partially Approve Fully Approved

Add I-Docs or R-Docs

Yes Yes Yes No
Delete I-Docs or R-Docs added before preparation (by anyone) Yes No No No
Delete I-Docs or R-Docs added after preparation (by anyone) N/A Yes Yes No


Any user can view reconciliation attributes. The Local Admin assigned to the reconciliation, OneStream Admin, or the RCM Admin can edit attributes.


Click the Comments icon to add, edit, or delete comments on a reconciliation. The icon displays in green if comments already exist.

The grid displays the comment, user, booked period (period the comment was created), and time stamp of each entry. After you save a comment, the user, booked period, and time stamp are not editable. These comments print on reconciliation reports but are not included in the audit export file.

A comment that was copied can be edited, but a comment that was pulled forward cannot be edited. You can delete a comment that was pulled forward, but you cannot delete the original comment. To delete the original comment, first delete each instance that was pulled forward. Then, delete the original comment.

TIP: Comments can be set to Internal Only. Internal Only comments are not visible to auditors and do not display on reports. Comment visibility can only be updated by OneStream administrators, Reconciliation Global administrators, or the user who added the comment.

Click the Prior Items icon to copy or pull forward comments from the prior period. Copy is intended to allow comments from prior periods to be used as a template, where changes can be made, and pull is intended to carry the specific comment into the next period without edits. You can select individual or multiple comments to copy or pull forward.

You can copy any comments, but you can only pull forward your own comments.

Permission to add, edit, delete, copy, and pull forward comments is based on your role and the step you are completing in the workflow. See Roles.


Displays reconciliation approval and document history.

State History
The history updates when the state of the reconciliation is changed by a user or the system.

  • Action: Tracked actions are: Prepared, Rejected, Recalled, Unapproved, Approved, and Balance Changed.

  • State: State changes include In Process, Prepared, Rejected, Balance Changed, Auto Prepared, Partially Approved, Fully Approved, and Auto Approved.

  • Detail: If an AutoRec rule was used to automate the preparation or approval of the reconciliation, the rule name is listed. Certification comments are also displayed.

  • User: Name of the user who performed the action. State changes performed by the system include Auto Prepared, Auto Approved, and Balanced changed and display as "System".

  • Time Stamp: Time that the action was taken.

Document History
Lists all documents attached to the reconciliation including documents pulled forward. To download a document, select a row and then click View.

NOTE: S-Doc and T-Doc detail items display blank or 0.00 for the Amount, Item Type, Item Name, and Item Comment Note columns as they are not directly assigned to these items and can span across multiple reconciliations.

Child Recs

Only visible if the reconciliation is from an account group and lists the reconciliation inventory items associated with the account group.

NOTE: The Child Recs tab only displays detail items that are assigned to a child reconciliation level. The Detail Items grid displays detail items for both child reconciliations and account groups. Therefore, the Child Rec balances might not match the Detail Items summary balances.

The header row displays icons in a toolbar, account information, and balances. In the header row, the Child Recs icon is highlighted. The icon is three rectangles in a stack and the words Child Recs below. Below is a grid with the child reconciliations and detailed information.

Single Currency Solutions

The child balance displays.

The header row displays icons in a toolbar, account information, and balances. Below is a grid with the child reconciliations and detailed information, including Local balances.

Multi-currency Solutions

Select the balance type to view from the drop-down menu: All Currencies, Child Currency, or Group Currency.

The header row displays icons in a toolbar, account information, and balances. Below is a grid with the child reconciliations and detailed information, including Account, Local, and Reporting balances. The grid displays the currency selected in the Balance Type drop-down menu: all, child, or group.

Preparer and Approver Actions

To perform status changes to reconciliations, select the check box next to the reconciliation and make changes to the bottom of the workspace.

If mass actions are enabled, you can select multiple reconciliations and apply a status change to the selected reconciliations. A summary dialog is displayed with explanations for any actions that were not successful.

NOTE: Any comments or certifications apply to all marked reconciliations.

Prepare : Marks a reconciliation as prepared, but all necessary balances must first be explained.

Recall : Sets a prepared reconciliation back to In Process.

Reject : Approver status change. If the reconciliation is prepared, sets the status to Rejected . Auto-prepared reconciliations can be rejected by Approver 1-4/Approver 1-4 Backup or the RCM Admin. Fully Approved - auto reconciliations can only be rejected by the RCM Admin. If an auto-prepared or fully approved auto reconciliation is rejected, it returns to In Process and can be prepared again.

Approve : If the reconciliation is prepared, sets the state to Approved. Due to segregation of duties, the user who approves the reconciliation cannot be the same user who prepared the reconciliation. There are no exceptions to segregation of duties. If there is more than one approval level, the approval level (for example, 1 of 3) updates after each approval.

Auto-prepared reconciliations can be approved by Approver 1-4/Approver 1-4 Backup or the RCM Admin.

Unapprove : Removes one level of approval. If a reconciliation is manually unapproved, it goes back to Approved level one below the level it was previously approved . For example, if a reconciliation previously had 3 of 4 levels of approval completed and was unapproved by a level 3 approver, it would go to a state of Partially Approved 2 of 4.

Fully approved auto reconciliations can be rejected or unapproved only by the RCM Admin. If rejected, the fully approved reconciliation goes to In Process and can be prepared again. If unapproved, the fully approved reconciliation goes to Auto Prepared with no approvals complete (for example, 0 of 3) regardless of how many approval levels there are. The reconciliation can then resume the normal manual approval process.

This diagram describes the flow of a reconciliation through the different states:


If certification is required when preparing or approving a reconciliation, the certification dialog box displays. If you are preparing or approving multiple reconciliations, your certification comment applies to all selected reconciliations.

  1. Enter a certification comment when preparing or approving a reconciliation. The comment may be required or optional.

    You can click View to display the certification text in a separate window.

  2. Click Certify to prepare the reconciliation.

Reconciling and Changes to Account Groups

If an account group is being reconciled as opposed to a single reconciliation, the experience of adding explained items, attachments, completing, and approving is the same to the user. The only exception is the appearance of the Child Recs button on the screen, which shows the base reconciliations that are included in the account group.

Approval levels between account groups and the child reconciliations cannot be different. The child reconciliation inherits the number of approval levels assigned to the account group.

For example, see the GRPAPTrade account group and the reconciliations that belong to this account group. They each have 1 approval level.

The Administration Groups screen displays a row of navigation icons at the top and a grid of the account groups below. Each account group is listed in a row with detailed information in the columns of the grid. In this example, GRPAPTrade account group is selected. This selection populated a grid below the account groups for child reconciliations. The four child reconciliations for this account group are displayed. Each child reconciliation is listed in a row with detailed information in the columns of the grid. The example shows there is 1 approval level for both the account group and each child reconciliation.

Reconciliation, Preparation and Approval of Account Groups

Whenever an account group is marked prepared or is approved at a certain level, the related child reconciliations are also marked that way. In the example above, here are some situations and their results when working with AP Trade – Houston:

  • If marked complete, all four child reconciliations are marked complete in the underlying tables.

  • This account group needs two levels of approval. If marked approved at level 1, the child reconciliations are marked approved at level 1.

  • If marked approved at level 2 (the final approval level), the three child reconciliations that have approvals of 1 would be marked approved at level 1. The reconciliation that has approvals of 3 would be marked approved at level 3, the final approval level.

  • If the account group is fully approved and then Unapprove is clicked, all child reconciliations would be set to Unapproved (level 0).

Changes to Account Groups

Account groups and their related reconciliations can change over time. New reconciliations may be added and existing ones removed to be reconciled individually. Here are the effects.

IMPORTANT: If you make any changes to currency for an individual reconciliation or account group (for example, changing from single currency to multi-currency or changing the currency type) with existing detail items, the detail items may not be valid. You will need to delete the detail items and manually re-create them. To avoid this issue, make any changes to currency before adding detail items.

  • Balance

    • If a reconciliation inventory item starts out being reconciled individually and then is added to an account group, the prior reconciliation inventory item can be viewed in historical periods with its previous balance. The Process button pulls in balances and marks those balances internally as being for this reconciliation individually or as part of an account group.

    • If a reconciliation inventory item is part of an account group and is removed from the account group, it will retrieve its balance and the Balance Changed field will take the previous balance into account for this reconciliation inventory item.

    • If the items that add up to an account group change over time, the total balance amount previously stored for that account group will not change in historical periods if that account group is approved, even if Process is executed again in that period. The approved balance is essentially locked. If Process is executed again against an account group whose members have changed, the balance will be updated according to the current members of that account group.

    • If a new account group is created and existing reconciliations that had history are added, the account group will not show any activity from the prior month since the account group did not exist. It does not add the sum of the prior month's activity for the reconciliations in the account group. As such, the Balance Changed field will be the full amount of the balance and it will need to be explained.

    • If an account group has all of its children removed, it is recommended to change that account group to be Auto Reconciled because from that point forward it will retrieve a zero balance. If that account group had child reconciliations in the past that were reconciled, it is not advised to clear the Required property on this account group in order for those historical reconciliations of the account group to be able to be audited. Note that in historical periods where this account group was fully approved, it will continue to appear in that way with the proper balance intact.

    • Any new account group created after prior periods have been processed would show up in prior periods as not being completed yet.

    • Process Warning: When a reconciliation account group is removed from a reconciliation in inventory a Process will need to be done by an Account Reconciliations Administrator or Application Administrator at the review-level workflow profile to ensure that all account groups and reconciliation balances are updated. When this occurs a warning icon will appear next to the Process button on the Workflow page. This warning icon will be removed for users after an Administrator processes the reconciliations and the workflow page is refreshed.

  • Approval Levels

    • Removing Reconciliation Inventory Items from an Account Group: For example, if the reconciliation inventory items in the AP Trade – Houston example above were removed from the account group that was not fully approved, the child reconciliations would show with their appropriate status. If the account group was fully processed, in historical periods it will not show the child reconciliation that was removed. These reconciliations would be processed and approved individually in future periods.

      You cannot remove child reconciliations from an Account Group if it has been prepared for the current period. If child reconciliations are removed they maintain the account group's attributes and do not revert back to their former settings.

    • Adding Reconciliation Inventory Items to an Account Group: Reconciliation inventory items added will now fall under the same approval behavior from that point forward as they would have if they had been there all along. Their historical approvals and related explained items would still be visible in those periods.

  • Override Values in Detail Items
    • When you remove a child reconciliation that has overridden values from an account group and run Process:

      • If the currencies between the account group and child reconciliation match, the overrides are added to the new individual reconciliation and its values equal the previous account group values.

      • If the currencies between the account group and child reconciliation do not match, the overrides are removed and the new individual reconciliation values are translated from the amount.

    • When you add a child reconciliation that has overridden values to an account group and run Process:

      • If the currencies between the account group and child reconciliation match, the overrides are added to the account group and its values equal the child reconciliation values.

      • If the currencies between the account group and child reconciliation do not match, the overrides are added to the account group and the values are translated in the account group currency.