Assign Generators and Locations

Use the Assign page to map events and locations to targets. This page has a Project view and Target view.

Any location dimension specified on the Targets are automatically assigned locations to your targets. Use the Assign page to map events and locations to targets for use during Pipeline, where these events and locations can generate predictive features or serve as predictive features themselves.

NOTE: There is a limited number of locations and events that can be assigned to any individual target.

You can map locations and events to targets in these ways:

Auto Assign: All events are assigned to targets based on their locations. If any of the target's locations are geographically within any of the event's locations, the event is assigned to the target. A target without a location, whether removed on the Target view or not present, cannot have events assigned to it through a shared location. Click Auto Assign to assign events based on the currently applied locations for all targets. See Auto-Assign Generators and Locations.

NOTE: You must have at least one location in the Target view mapped (selected and applied) to use Auto Assign. The Auto Assign job uses the selected locations in order to automatically map Generators which contain the selected location(s).

Manual Assignments: In the Target view, you can assign events and locations to a target using arrow buttons and clicking Apply. Selecting Apply to All applies whatever mappings are present for the currently selected target to all other targets in the data set. See Assign Generators and Locations to a Specific Target.

Event Target Mapper File Upload: Upload a file that maps events to target names. See Upload an Event File.

Event Target Dimension Mapper File Upload: Upload a file that maps events to targets based on dimensionality. See Upload an Event File.

View Project Location and Generator Information

Use the Project view to see the number of:

  • Generators and locations currently being used by your model.

    • Generators/Locations mapped to at least one target.

    • Total Generators/Locations Mapped

    • Total Target-Generators/Location Mappings

  • Locations mapped to at least one target.

  • A list of all events defined in your project. See Configure Library - Features.

  • The interactive map showing all locations defined in your project. This is the same interactive map on the Locations page.

View Generator and Location Assignments by Target

For the target selected in a list on the left, you can add all the events and locations added in the previous pages to be associated with the target. To do this, click the plus arrow to add them. Click the minus arrow to remove them.

In Target view, you can see the events and locations assigned to each target.

TIP: When a location dimension is selected for the target data set, the respective location for each target displays in the selected locations pane.

Assign Generators and Locations to a Specific Target

Assigning events and locations to a target allows you to use inputted information in the modeling process. Generators and locations can be assigned to a single target or to all targets in the model build.

  1. If in Project view, click Target View to switch to the Assign page Target view.

  2. In the Targets pane, select a target to which you want to assign events and locations. The Selected Target pane shows the target name and all available events and locations that can be assigned.

  3. In the Generator Options table, select check boxes next to the generators you want to assign to the target, or select the check box in the table header row to select all available events.

  4. Click the Select the Checked Generators button to move the selected generators from the Event Options table to the Selected table.

  5. In the Location Options table, select check boxes next to the locations you want to assign to the target, or select the check box in the table header row to select all available locations.

  6. Click the Select the Checked Locations button to move the selected locations from the Location Options table to the Selected table.

  7. The add and remove buttons will only apply the events and locations to the currently selected target. To apply these changes to all targets:

    • Click Apply to All to apply the current event and location assignments to the selected target.

  8. Select another target in the Targets and repeat steps 3 through 7 to make assignments for that target. Repeat until you have assigned generators and locations for all targets in the project.

TIP: To deselect events or locations, select them from the respective Selected table and click Remove to remove the selected events or locations from the selected lists.

Auto-assign Generators and Locations to Targets

Auto Assign uses the selected locations to automatically map Generators that contain the selected locations.

  1. Click Target View to assign one or more locations from the Locations Options list to the Selected list.

    NOTE: To run Auto Assign, you must have at least one location under Selected Locations (both selected and applied) on the Target View page.

  2. Click Auto Assign. A message box asks you to confirm that you want to run Auto Assign to assign events to targets based on their locations.

  3. Click Run. The auto assign job posts to the job queue.

  4. Click OK to close the jobs message box. The Job Progress dialog box displays.

  5. Click Close at any time to close the Job Progress dialog box. The number of total mapped events and locations updates in the Assign page Project view.

After auto-assigning events and locations or assigning events and locations to specific targets, you can move to the Forecast page to set forecast ranges.