Update a Target or Feature Data Source
Use the Data Source Update page to update data tables or change the data source connection for a target or feature data source. This can be done at any time after specifying data targets and verifying your data source using the Data > Dataset page. However, it is especially useful during the Utilization phase when new data may be available in a new table that must be added to the data source. The Data Source Update Utility page also displays statistics about each data source.
TIP: The process of updating a data source is similar to the processes used to specify targets and define the data set and to specify data features and is only available after you specify targets and features. However, instead of selecting data tables for the first time in the modeling process, you are changing the tables used.
NOTE: The dimensions of a data source cannot be changed. Also, you must specify targets and define the data set and verify your data sets before you can use the Data Update utility.
Update a Data Source
At any time after specifying data targets and features and verifying your data source, click Show Data Update
on the current page toolbar. The Data Source Update Utility page displays.
Use the drop-down menu at the top of the page to select the target or feature data source to update.
Click Update Tables at the top of the Data Source Utility page. The Update Dataset Connection dialog box displays, based on whether you select a target or feature data source to update. The following graphic shows the dialog box to update the target data set.
Click Update in the upper right corner of the dialog box. This lets you change the Table Name and Source Connection.
In the Source Connection field, select the type of connection from the list.
In the Table Name field, select the names of target or feature tables to use for the project, and deselect the names of target or feature tables you do not want to be in the data set update.
TIP: Only the first selected table name displays in the list. You can click the field to see all the selected import data files.
Once the table and Source Connection are updated, click Preview.
If the tables and data are correct, click Update at the bottom of the dialog box. This starts the Data Update job, which validates and updates the data source and creates statistics for the updated data.
Data Source Statistics
The Data Source Update Utility page shows numerous statistics from the selected target or feature data source.
Data Source Snapshots: These are snapshots of the data source that are taken by clicking New Snapshot to run the Data Source Snapshot job. Snapshots can also be taken during the data set job, data update job, and prediction jobs. A snapshot can be selected to populate the Total Targets by Collection Lag (days) and the Snapshot Data Source Messages at the bottom of the page.
Total Targets by Collection Lag (days): This chart visualizes the latest view of the collection lag for the target data set. It shows the number of targets that have a given collection lag by the number of days. Click New Snapshot to create a new snapshot for the data source. This chart updates when you run a new prediction or snapshot. The chart also updates with each data set job and an update of target data source.
Snapshot Data Source Messages: This shows any messages from the data source snapshot. For example, warnings for missing intersections or intersections that have been added since the last snapshot.