Create a Parameter
Parameters prompt users to filter or customize data at runtime, helping tailor objects such as forms, dashboards, and cube views to best suit different user needs. Administrators define parameters in dashboard maintenance units, then assign them to the appropriate objects.
TIP: To further refine data selections, refer one parameter to another. See Nested Parameters.
Review the Requirements and Best Practices.
Click Application > Presentation > Dashboards
TIP: You can also define parameters by clicking System > Administration > Dashboards.
Click the dashboard maintenance unit in which to create a parameter, then Parameters. After you save a parameter, you cannot put it in another dashboard maintenance unit.
Create Parameter in the dashboard toolbar.
In Name and Description, enter a name and description that indicates the information the parameter prompts users to specify, such as ParamBudget Scenario. Do not use special characters, dashes (-) or underscores (_) in names. Names should be unique, even across workspaces.
See Naming in Parameter Best Practices for tips on naming and organizing parameters.
In User Prompt, enter the message that prompts users to specify information. For example, Select a Product member or Enter your name.
Skip this step for literal value parameters since they do not prompt for selections.
In Sort Order, enter the sequence in which to display the parameter. Parameters are displayed by alphabetical order by sort order and name.
In the list of parameters for the dashboard maintenance unit. For example, to list the parameter sixth, enter six.
For use with other parameters. For example, to display parameterB after parameterA, ensure that the sort order value for parameterB is greater than that of parameterA. See Best Practices.
From Parameter Type, select the kind of parameter to define which determines the information or objects users are prompted to specify. See Parameter Types.
Literal Value: Instead of prompting users for a selection, use a predefined value or object such as a color or number format.
Input Value: Users enter or modify a value to customize cube view results that generate reports. For example, prompt users to enter their name when they run a cube view to generate a report.
Delimited List: Users select one value or item from a list, such as one of two budget scenarios.
Bound List: Users select a member from a list of members generated with a method or a SQL query.
Member List: Users select a member from a drop-down list.
Member Dialog: Users select a member by navigating, searching, and filtering the member hierarchy displayed in a dialog box.
Define the settings for the parameter type:
Click Save.
Add the parameter to the appropriate object, such as a cube view. See Assign a Parameter.